DCRP 2025 – “The Plan”
As many of you know, Joe Hagerty, is now the new Political Director for the NEGOP. He has been tasked with helping DCRP turn Douglas County Red through a “Get Out The Vote” and Voter Registration effort. Some of our Executive team have met with Joe and plan to have a volunteer “Reveal” meeting on Thursday, Jan. 16th at 7 pm to show you this plan.
Many of you were so important in our election of President Trump through TrumpForce47, we now ask you to join forces and use this experience to reach our local community. We will update you with more information on where this meeting takes place. Thank you so much for your willingness to help our Douglas County Republicans move our County to the Red Zone!
Contact: Nancy Hicks, DCRP Vice Chair (info@dcrponline.com) |