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Nebraska Election Integrity Training

NEGOP-RNC-TRUMP Office 2819 S 125th Ave Suite 363, Omaha, NE

Sunday, July 28th will be 100 DAYS TO VICTORY! We will be hosting a 100 Days to Victory: Nebraska Election Integrity Training SUNDAY, JULY 28TH AT 4:00 PM. Let’s ensure that we have free and fair elections in Nebraska. Sign up to be a Poll Worker, Poll Watcher, or Poll Observer TODAY! With your help […]

Victory Office Grand Opening!

Victory Office 2819 S 125th Ave Suite 363, Omaha, NE

Join us as we celebrate the grand opening of the NEGOP, RNC and TrumpForce47 Office!

Pachyderm Luncheon

The German American Society 3717 S 120th St, Omaha, NE

2024 NE State Fair – Signup to Volunteer at the NEGOP Booth

Nebraska State Fair 501 E Fonner Park Rd, Grand Island, NE

Join us in promoting our candidates and party at the NE State Fair. August 23rd thru September 2nd, in Grand Island! Copy and paste the link or click on the image to sign up. Volunteers, please select the time in the volunteer spaces to be in our booth. Republican candidates, you are encouraged to […]

Walk with Kauth in the Millard Days Parade

Western Bowl Millard 4725 S 131st St, Omaha, NE

Line up at 9:30 at Western Bowl. Contact Liz at 972-523-2577 or Please provide your name, address, telephone number and shirt size.  

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