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Victory Office Grand Opening!

Victory Office 2819 S 125th Ave Suite 363, Omaha, NE

Join us as we celebrate the grand opening of the NEGOP, RNC and TrumpForce47 Office!

Pachyderm Luncheon

The German American Society 3717 S 120th St, Omaha, NE

Walk with Kauth in the Millard Days Parade

Western Bowl Millard 4725 S 131st St, Omaha, NE

Line up at 9:30 at Western Bowl. Contact Liz at 972-523-2577 or Please provide your name, address, telephone number and shirt size.  

Millard Days Parade – Walk with Justin Curtis!

Faith Westwood United Methodist Church 4814 Oaks Lane, Millard, NE

Line up is at 10:00. Park at Faith Westwood United Methodist Church, 4814 Oaks Lane. Lineup is along old L.

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