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DCRP Governance

Resolutions Adopted by DCRP

R25-001 (Floor Resolution)

Whereas the voters of the United States on November 5, 2024, handed a mandate to President-Elect Donald J. Trump; and

Whereas on January 20, 2025, Donald J. Trump was inaugurated as the 47th President of the United States and promised a new Golden Age for America; and

Whereas on January 20, 2025, Michael Johnson, Speaker of the House, issued a proclamation as follows:

Whereas the Douglas County Republican Party (DCRP) Central Committee members support Speaker Johnson’s proclamation to deliver the America First Agenda, and fervently wish for this agenda to be successfully implemented for the good of the country and its citizens;  

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Central Committee of the DCRP directs the Federal representatives of the State of Nebraska to vote in accordance with and fully support an America First Agenda in their respective Congressional sessions.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this Resolution be immediately emailed by the

DCRP Chairman to each of the five Nebraska Federal representatives (Senators Fischer and Ricketts, Representatives Mike Flood and Don Bacon and Adrian Smith) to inform them of the wishes of their constituents.  

DCRP Central Committee, January 28, 2025
Proposed by: DCRP Executive Committee

R25-002 (Floor Resolution)

Whereas, the Electoral College ensures that all citizens have a voice in our Presidential Elections;

Whereas, the State of Nebraska is one of two states that split their electoral college votes by Congressional District;

Whereas, from 1867 to 1992 Nebraska’s electoral college votes were awarded as “Winner Take All”;

Whereas, in 1992 Nebraska deviated from its longstanding tradition of awarding its electoral college votes by congressional districts;

Whereas, Senator Lippincott introduced LB3 at the request of Governor Pillen;

Whereas, it is the priority of Nebraska Republican Governor, Jim Pillen, for Nebraska to return to “Winner Take All”; and,

Whereas, the Central Committee of the DCRP is unified in its desire to return to Winner Take All.”

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED the Central Committee of the DCRP urges our State Senators to support and adopt LB3 “Winner Take All”; and,

THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED the Central Committee of the DCRP offers its support and calls on all Republicans in Douglas County to support the adoption of LB3, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this Resolution be immediately emailed by the DCRP Chairman to Governor Pillen and Speaker Arch of the Nebraska Legislature to inform them of the wishes of their constituents.  

DCRP Central Committee, January 28, 2025
Proposed by: DCRP Executive Committee

Resolution by the Douglas County Republican Party (DCRP) in Support of President Trump’s Repatriation Initiatives  R25-003

WHEREAS, the integrity of our nation’s borders is essential to national security, economic stability, and the preservation of American values; and

WHEREAS, the enforcement of immigration laws is a fundamental duty of the federal government to ensure the safety and prosperity of American citizens; and

WHEREAS, President Donald J. Trump has consistently advocated for strong immigration policies that prioritize the interests of American workers, families, and taxpayers; and

WHEREAS, the DCRP stands firmly in support of policies that uphold the rule of law and protect Nebraska communities from the financial and social burdens of illegal immigration; and

WHEREAS, the process of returning illegal immigrants to their home countries should be framed as repatriation rather than deportation, emphasizing the opportunity for the returning individuals to contribute to the prosperity and success of their own nations; and

WHEREAS, repatriation provides a constructive approach that benefits both the United States and the home countries of those returning, allowing them to make meaningful contributions to their own communities and economies; and

WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of both the American people and those returning to their countries of origin to pursue policies that encourage self-reliance, national pride, and economic revitalization globally;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the DCRP fully supports President Trump’s initiatives to enforce immigration laws and to return illegal immigrants to their home countries through the process of repatriation; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the DCRP remains committed to advocating for policies that prioritize American citizens while promoting a fair and lawful immigration system that benefits all involved; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that we encourage all Republican elected officials and candidates to adopt the term repatriation in public discourse, recognizing that this approach highlights a positive and constructive solution to illegal immigration; and

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolution be released through the DCRP’s website, social media platforms, and be delivered digitally to the Mayor of Omaha, the Omaha City Council, the Omaha Chief of Police, U.S. Congressman Don Bacon, U.S. Senators Deb Fischer and Pete Ricketts, Nebraska Governor Jim Pillen, the Nebraska Secretary of State, and the Nebraska Attorney General, as well as disseminated to local web, print, TV, and radio news media within 48 hours of adoption.

DCRP Central Committee, January 28, 2025
Proposed by: Peng Xiao

R25-004 (Floor Resolution)

Whereas, LB19 proposes to change Nebraska State statutes pertaining to Municipal elections to occur on even numbered years commencing in 2028; and

Whereas, the proposed changes unduly complicate the election process and timing of elections;

Therefore, be it resolved by the DCRP Central Committee that it oppose LB19; and

Furthermore, be it resolved that the DCRP Central Committee makes digital notice to Chairman of the Government, Military, and Veterans Affair Committee, Rita Sanders and Speaker of the Nebraska Legislature, John Arch such opposition to legislation, and

Furthermore, that it will work to oppose the legislation in the up-coming Government Committee hearings on LB19.

DCRP Central Committee, January 28, 2025
Proposed by: Election Integrity Committee

Resolution to Oppose LB237
R25-005 (Floor Resolution)

Whereas, Nebraska Senator Machaela Cavanaugh has introduced a Legislative Bill 237 addressing election procedures that require statewide mail-in ballots; and

Whereas, the Douglas County Republican Party (DCRP) Election

Integrity Special Committee reviewed LB237 on January 28, 2025; and

Whereas, the aforementioned Committee has found the Bill unfavorable, and has voted to oppose Senator Machaela Cavanaugh’s bill, and to recommend the DCRP Central Committee should not consider nor support the legislation;

Therefore, be it resolved that the DCRP Central Committee opposes Senator Machaela Cavanaugh’s LB237 and makes digital notice to Chairman of the Government, Military, and Veterans Affair Committee, Rita Sanders and Speaker of the Nebraska Legislature, John Arch to such opposition to legislation, and furthermore will work to oppose the legislation in the upcoming Government Committee hearings.

DCRP Central Committee, January 28, 2025
Proposed by: Election Integrity Committee

R25-006 (Floor Resolution)

Whereas, Nebraska Senator Rick Holdcroft has introduced LB541 addressing election integrity issues encompassing voter registration, mail-in ballots, tabulating machines, and hand counting; and

Whereas, Senator Holdcroft has made a presentation of LB541 to the Douglas County Republican Party’s (DCRP) Election Integrity Special Committee on December 16, 2024; and

Whereas, the Committee found LB541 deficient in four areas: 32-1041(3), 32-1049(6), (7) and (8); and

Whereas, the DCRP Election Integrity Special Committee has proposed amendments to LB541 to alleviate the deficiencies, and to which Senator Holdcroft has agreed to add as amendments to LB541; and

Whereas, the DCRP Election Integrity Special Committee has voted to recommend LB541 to the DCRP Central Committee as legislation which the DCRP should consider and support subject to the inclusion of the proposed amendments.

Therefore, be it resolved that the DCRP Central Committee fully endorses Senator Holdcroft’s LB541 as amended and makes public notice to such endorsement of legislation by the majority vote of the DCRP Central Committee; and

Furthermore resolved, the Central Committee Chair will send email confirmation of such support and endorsement to: Senator Holdcroft; Speaker of the Legislature Senator Arch; and all the members of the Government, Military and Veterans Committee; and

Furthermore resolved, the Central Committee members are urged to send email support of the legislation to Senator Holdcroft, Speaker Arch, and all the members of the Government Committee, and send a message via the Nebraska Legislature’s website tool for making comments on Legislative Bills to be included in the official proceedings in preparation of the upcoming Government Committee hearings on LB541.

DCRP Central Committee, February 25, 2025
Proposed by: Election Integrity Committee

Special Rules of Order
R25-007 (Floor Resolution)

Article 1 – Meeting Rules

Section 1.

  1. Registration for all meetings will begin 30 minutes prior to the start of each meeting and will conclude 15 minutes after meeting is called to order.
  2. At check-in, membership names badges will be distributed to the Douglas County Central Committee member, who must wear them in a visible location throughout the entire meeting.
  3. Guests will be given a name badge at check-in that indicates they are not a seated County Central Committee member. Guests are encouraged to sit where they wish but will have reserved space near the left front area.
  4. Members shall seek to be properly recognized by the Chairman before proceeding. Once a member has been recognized, they must move to one of the microphones (if provided) and state their name, LD, and a properly worded motion. Three secondary motions do not need recognition by the Chairman and may be made from a member’s seat:
    1. Subsidiary – e.g. Amendment, Postpone, and Table;
    2. Incidental – e.g. Point of Order, Point of Information, and Secret Ballot; and
    3. Privileged – e.g. Call to Question, Raising the Question, and Adjournment.
  1. Members shall not engage in debate until the question is pending and has been stated by the Chairman. Debate shall be limited to discussion on the merits of the question and shall be conducted at one of the microphones (if provided).
  2. During debate, members will be allowed up to 2 minutes to speak. Members who wish to speak a subsequent time may do so, for 30 seconds, if all members who wish to speak have had the opportunity to do so at least once. The total time for all debatable motions (resolutions, constitutional amendments, bylaws, or uses of order, or standing rules, etc.) shall be 12 total minutes. At the expiration of the 12 total minutes of debate, a vote shall immediately be taken on any pending motions without further debate.


DCRP Central Committee 02-25-2025
Proposed by the Executive Committee


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