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Electing Conservatives & Developing Leaders

Trump/Vance signs can be picked up here:

2819 S 125 Ave, suite 363
Omaha, NE

during core business hours

Welcome to the Douglas County Republican Party!

There was a change in leadership and the governing body after the County Convention on April 6, 2024. We are MAGA Patriots! The new DCRP wants to restore the spirit of what it means to be Republican. We support candidates and elected officials who are Constitutional Platform Republicans (CPR) and who hold dear the ideals on which this great country was founded.

Our mission is driven by the conservative values and principles outlined in our Platform:

  • Transparency: We advocate for government transparency and accountability.
  • Fiscal Responsibility: We support balanced budgets, prudent management of taxpayer funds, and tax policies that support families.
  • Human Rights: We believe in the right to life from conception to natural death, the sanctity of the family, and religious freedom.

CPR will resuscitate this country and put it back on a healthy track. Constitutional rule of law and a traditional moral compass will be our guides as we fix our sights on good government of, for, and by the people.

Explore our site for a comprehensive review of our Platform, events, and volunteer opportunities. We welcome all Douglas County registered Republicans and anyone who shares our values to join us in building a stronger, more prosperous future for Douglas County, the State of Nebraska and our Country.

God Bless America!

Michael Moran, Chairman
-Douglas County Republican Party

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